Delivery Van

Pick Up and Delivery in and around Fresno

Coming Soon!

Laundry pick up and delivery service is the quickest, most convenient way to get your laundry done. All you have to do is throw your dirty laundry in a bag. We will pick it up, wash, dry and fold everything for you, and bring it back to you clean and smelling great!

How do I schedule pickup laundry service? 

  1. Click on the "Schedule a Pickup" button.
  2. Fill in the information, including when you want our mobile laundry service.
  3. Have your laundry ready for when the driver arrives.

Our laundry delivery service near Fresno will wash your clothes the way you want. 

We use products such as Tide, Gain, Downy and Bounce in our standard wash, but if you like your laundry done a certain way, just let us know. Detergents and machine temperatures can be adjusted to suit your needs. If a special request requires a separate load, however, some extra charges will apply. We neatly fold everything unless you ask us to hang up any items. There is a $.10 charge per hanger. 

How much is your time worth?

  • Laundry delivery service is only $1.69/lb. is you sign up for weekly or bi-weekly service.
  • If you use our service from time to time it is $1.79/lb.
Pickup &
Delivery Service
Per Pound

**$30 Minimum Order

Pickup &
Delivery Service
(As Needed)
Per Pound

**$30 Minimum Order